
Jak schudnąć po 40 roku życia

How to lose weight after 40 years

Who said you can't take care of your weight after 40? Both going through the weight loss process and maintaining normal body weight is possible at any age. As a clinical dietitian, I will agree with the fact that after reaching 40 years of age, it is more difficult and more time-consuming, but not impossible. The worst enemies of fast metabolic ra
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Obesity – Update for 2022

Obesity, or obese disease, is a chronic disease, with no tendency to spontaneous resolution without the implementation of appropriate pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment (changes in eating habits and introduction of daily physical activity). It is prone to relapse and untreated leads to many adverse health complications, including: t
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W jaki sposób stres wpływa na nasz organizm

How stress affects our body

How does stress affect our body? Stressors of high intensity and acting on the body for a long period of time have unpleasant and often very painful consequences. They disrupt the body’s natural protective barrier, which is immunity to infections and other diseases. It therefore has a wide range of activities. It all starts with an excessive
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Skąd się bierze efekt jo-jo

Where does the yo-yo effect come from

Where does the yo-yo effect come from and what does it actually mean? Many of you probably know or at least have heard of the term. If you have tried at least once in your life to go on a weight reduction, weight loss, detox or other diet, probably many of you have not managed to maintain the correct weight for a long time. Weight gain after a
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otyłe dziecko chory dorosły

Obese child, sick adult

Obese child, sick adult is a motto that every one of us should know. It has the noble goal of caring for the health of the world's population. Obese children are more likely to develop diseases in adulthood. Polish children are already at the forefront of obese children. So it's time to change that! Starting with the education of parents and ed
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jak powinna wyglądać wakacyjna dieta

How should a holiday diet look like

What should a holiday diet look like? Should we introduce restrictions in our diet already in the spring? Is it possible to maintain weight until returning from vacation? All these questions will be answered by our nutritionist Zuzanna Rosińska Everyone planning a holiday in the summer would like to have an impeccable figure and be able to tak
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zdrowa dieta

Healthy diet

Healthy diet, i.e. adherence to the rules of a balanced diet. It has nothing to do with a strict diet, completely avoiding processed products, sweets and fast food. Everything is for people, moderation is enough in everything. It's not the product that's poison, but the quantity. Did you know that 3 out of 4 people would avoid disease if they f
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dieta na lato czy na lata

Diet for summer or for years

Diet for summer or for years makes sense to dietitians and other specialists in the field of medicine. The subject of epidemics, or indeed now the pandemic of overweight and obesity, appears more and more often. The only solution is to change the eating habits of people around the world. Excessive consumption and production of food negatively affe
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dieta antyinflacyjna

Anti-inflation diet

Anti-inflation diet, or how to cope with healthy eating at high food prices. Let's not hide it, it's a difficult time for the economy. Rising costs for electricity, gas, gasoline, along with rising prices for raw materials and semi-finished products, caused the cost of food production to soar. Recent events have changed the world. It will be
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dieta odchudzająca

Slimming diet

Slimming diet, or really a diet with reduced (lower) calories, covering the energy demand of our body and the amount of energy spent on daily activity, but adjusted so as to introduce a negative energy balance despite this. Slimming diet, contrary to what most people associate with colloquially called "alternative diets" (i.e. diet of kopenhask
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