Dietary consultation
Dietary consultations based on the credible and reliable knowledge of dietitian Zuzanna Rosińska
If you would like to improve your health or get rid of excess body weight, you’ve come to the right place.
Dietary consultations with a dietitian Zuzanna Rosińska give a chance for effective loss of excess body weight and diet therapy of selected disease entities.
Tasty meals and a properly selected level of physical activity become pleasant elements in the weight loss process. Losing weight does not have to be a chore and a chore.
The dietitian approaches each patient individually, choosing a properly selected nutritional plan, supports and motivates to change eating habits.
In addition, the body composition analysis will show you the nutritional status of your body in terms of body fat, muscle tissue and hydration level.
Dietician Poznań – Zuzanna Rosińska
Let see how it’s look like: nutrition advice
Healthy life on tasty diet
A healthy diet pleases the eye and the taste buds 🙂
During dietary consultations as well as training, courses and webinars, the dietitian provides the necessary information in the field of nutrition and food, thanks to which you will better understand the role of HEALTHY EATING on the proper functioning of your body.
See how proven dietary advice can improve the quality of our life. I’m on fb.
Fortunately, my personal and original method is: a handful of a healthy diet, a pinch of physical activity and a large portion of positive knowledge in the field of nutrition only from a proven source! If you are on this page, it means that you are also eating healthy or that you have made a decision to change your eating habits.
We want you to get some information from a reliable and credible source. Thanks to this, you will be able to make the right choice of food yourself and not succumb to marketing tricks of producers.
Dietician Poznań Grunwald
Human nutrition
Dietetics is a medical science about human nutrition dealing with the principles of nutrition of healthy and sick people, assessment of the nutritional status and its improvement, support for pharmacological treatment, prevention of diet-related diseases, nutritional education and the psychology of nutrition.
A dietitian deals with rational and balanced nutrition, i.e. providing all the necessary nutrients for the proper development and functioning of the human body. A dietitian prepares both collective nutrition plans (mainly for hospitals, rehabilitation, sanatorium, educational institutions, etc.) and individually, e.g. in clinics.
The dietitian mainly deals with: analysis of the nutritional status of the population, support for pharmacological treatment, treatment of obesity and the prevention of diet-related diseases. The tasks of a dietitian also include the psychology of nutrition, nutritional education, education about the correct technology of dishes, including the correct conditions for the storage of food raw materials.
A dietitian is obliged to learn the basics of medicine and update his knowledge in this field. He must acquire knowledge in many fields of science, e.g. the basics of the anatomy and physiology of the human body or pathophysiology, as well as microbiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, bromatology, psychology and many other subjects. Dietetics is therefore an interdisciplinary science. Nutritionist must have a huge range of knowledge and it could be said that the profession of dietitian is almost as responsible as the profession of a medic. Therefore, it is necessary to collect a comprehensive health and nutritional history.
Nowadays, a dietitian is most often associated with the process of losing weight. This specialist in hospitals or other collective institutions is still not very noticeable, although it is necessary to pay attention to too little involvement and underestimation of the possibility of a dietitian working in such places.