Anti-inflation diet

Anti-inflation diet, or how to cope with healthy eating at high food prices.

Let’s not hide it, it’s a difficult time for the economy. Rising costs for electricity, gas, gasoline, along with rising prices for raw materials and semi-finished products, caused the cost of food production to soar.

Recent events have changed the world. It will be a while before everything gets back on track and reorganizes the economic plans, and during that time we have to function normally. So the question is how to survive this period?

Increasingly, the spread of obesity is being highlighted through statistics, short commercials and programmes such as “Let’s Talk Honestly About Obesity” and more and more accessible nutrition education. As a result, our society is becoming more and more aware of the problem, one could almost say the obesity pandemic and its consequences.

You’ll think now that you’ll buy less than before inflation >10% with the money you’ve spent on food. Yes, this is partly true. They explain to us that bread was expensive because the cultivation of cereals and import to Poland was in Ukraine, vegetables and fruits were expensive because of prolonged drought, and meat and dairy expensive because it is not ecological and not economical. Okay, but you have to eat something, and the prices of everything are horribly high.

Anti-inflation diet – a recipe for healthy eating in times of economic crisis

After all, it is worth reaching for seasonal products, they usually have relatively moderate prices. If you have the time you can play “hunter promotion” and benefit from lower prices is a good idea.

Healthy eating is associated with fruits and vegetables, which is as correct as possible. I keep prices in mind all the time. Maybe it requires a little more fun from us to save a little, but is it not worth it. Think of it that way. If I spend a little now on healthy products, and that way in the future I can save that money on treatments and medicines. Not worth it?

In such a financial crisis, it is good to use promotional periods, to look for “multipacks” (sometimes it is cheaper to prepare a meal for several people). Remember, we must not fall into the mania of buying stock (although it is good to check the increase in prices of products, e.g. rice, pasta, cereals, flour, …).

Here it is also worth mentioning the sensible management of food. The period of high inflation is the right time to learn not to waste food, for the health of our planet and remembering those who cannot afford it or for those whose food is scarce. By buying food on a regular basis, we avoid accumulation and expiration, and at the same time we have better control over the amount of food consumed (helpful in maintaining normal body weight).

Therefore, every grocery shopping should be well planned. Write on the shopping list really only those products that we are sure we will use them. Let’s also remember not to go shopping hungry, because then we are more sensitive to interesting and eye-catching product packaging (marketing tricks of food manufacturers). We are then more likely to buy such products.

I just wanted to mention that in Poland alone we throw away more than 5 tons of food each year, which should make us realize that we are poorly managing our capabilities and financial resources. Calculated for the monetary costs of producing this amount of food and buying it, it is more than 600 PLN per year for each household (this is how much we could save or otherwise manage).

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