Changing eating habits

Changing eating habits is the key to weight loss and maintaining our health, which is so valuable. In the 21st century, with a pandemic of overweight, obesity and many civilized diseases, it is important to ensure that our bodies function properly.

The ideal support for disease prevention and weight loss is DIETA. The right ratio of nutrients and the elimination of some nutrients is often associated with a strict diet or a feeling of fear of not being able to hold on (e.g. due to addiction to sweets).

A new change in our lives makes you feel overwhelmed by the new rules? That’s normal. Don’t panic! A nutritionist or ideal psychodyte will guide you through the whole process of changing your eating habits and gradually introduce you to a better world.

Increasingly, we no longer consider food merely as a physiological covering of the need for survival (Maslov pyramid). Food becomes a pleasure and we often see it as a reward or a consumption of stress and a bad mood.

Changing eating habits – a necessity

The pandemic of overweight and obesity makes it necessary to introduce recommendations for changing dietary habits for the world’s population. The spread of these two diseases is leading to an increase in the global mortality rate.

In order to reduce this indicator and the risk of civilisation diseases and to prevent the occurrence of civilisation diseases, awareness of the need to change dietary habits should be raised as soon as possible.

Changing eating habits – motivation

In order to lose weight or integrate the diet therapy of civilization diseases, you have to want. These changes are not for a while, but for years. Unfortunately, this can be unmotivatedly inefficient, so we quickly lose the will to change and return to our former lifestyle. What we call the yo-yo effect.

Temptations and obstacles are naturally occurring minions on our way to our destination. It’s up to you to resist them. The more often you try, the stronger you become and they become gentler and easier to defeat. Remember, NEVER give!!!

A healthy diet can also be delicious!!!

If you are not motivated to start a healthy lifestyle. When you reach your first goal, reward yourself. Whether it’s a new blouse or going to the movies with your friends, that’s up to you. But don’t let it be food!!!

Our diet and our way of life often depend on the situation in which we find ourselves. Different people react differently to stress, anger, boredom, lack of time, long working hours and much more. All these situations affect our way of life (sitting, exercise, etc.) and our diet. If these situations have been going on for a long time. They are already OUR CUSTOM. But they too can be changed and steered in the right direction.

Right now, when you’re not feeling so bad, is the best time. Maybe it’s time to take care of yourself. Think about it. I’m sure you’re a valuable man and it wouldn’t be worth being so careless. If you are interested in nutrition advice and more, I invite you to contact me. And I’ll give you some advice you need.

That’s why I HAVE to replace it in WOLL!!!

It would be a good idea to remove demotivators. If your friends, pictures, graphics or anything else feel demotivated, then get away from them.

Motivation – where to look?

Na samym początku swojej pracy nad realizowaniem celu ważne jest, abyś poświęcił trochę czasu przy kartce i spisał „plusy”, „minusy”. Zastanów się co może pomóc Tobie w osiągnięciu wymarzonego celu. Za wczasów możesz również przemyśleć jakie ewentualnie przeszkody napotkasz po drodze. To wszystko sprawi, że podczas realizacji Twojego celu nie poddasz się od razu, ponieważ będziesz wstępnie przygotowany na przeciwności losu, które zawsze mogą się przydać każdemu.

It is also advisable to let those around you know about your purpose and perhaps ask them to help you in a difficult time. It may be insignificant to you, but it really helps to change your habits.

If you’re having a hard time finding your source of motivation, that’s fine. Maybe you need time to find him. I also encourage you to enlist the help of specialists in this field 😉

Let’s go!!! I keep my fingers crossed!!!

Changing eating habits – Nutritionist Poznań

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