How do you care for the intestines?

The intestine is the part of the digestive tract behind the stomach. Digestion also takes place in the small intestine and is therefore a very important part of the digestive system. How to take care of the intestines?

The most important thing is a sufficient amount of bacterial flora, which is naturally found in the intestine, called microbiota. They are responsible for the fermentation processes of nutrients, increase the absorption of nutrients, stimulate the body’s immune system, produce vitamins: biotin (vitamin H), B7, B12 and K, prevent diarrhoea and constipation, participate in the neutralization of toxins, protect against the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the production of hormones. . It also has a proven positive effect on mood, prevents depression and prevents overweight or obesity.

Digestion and absorption of nutrients take place in the intestine. They also form an immune barrier for the body and additionally cleanse the food content of unnecessary and harmful compounds.

In order for the intestine to perform its work properly, suitable conditions are required: pH value (slightly alkaline), sufficient amount and activity of enzymes and proper cooperation with other organs (liver, pancreas, gallbladder).

Howdoyoucarefortheintestines? -Recommendations

In these times it is not difficult to avoid too much stress, but it has a very negative effect on our intestinal and immune microbiome. Regardless of the situation, it would be best to eliminate stress, reduce it or learn some good techniques to deal with it. The right sleep hygiene is also worth mentioning.

If we misuse antibiotics, we also get rid of good intestinal bacteria, but you’ve probably heard that. Nevertheless, this should not be forgotten in order to stimulate the recovery of the microbiome with an antibiotic therapy or to support the supply of vital bacterial strains from outside (probiotics, prebiotics or synbiotics).

The recently very popular leaky bowel syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome) is also dangerous for our microbiome and our immune system, which can lead to autoimmune diseases.

Long-term untreated inflammation in the body also contributes to the overworking of the immune system, weakening it and increasing the risk of non-response to dangerous pathogens. This also increases the risk of cancer.

Interesting: The gut microbiome can help to change the way fat cells (adpizytes) accumulate. This long-lasting phenomenon can lead to weight gain and consequently to overweight or even obesity. )

Vincent Pedre, author of the book “Happy Intestines”, has developed the C. A. R. E. Program for Healing and Healing the Intestine, which is an abbreviation for the English words: Cleansing, Activating, Repairing and Improving.

How do you care for the intestines? – answers nutritionist online

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