Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colloquially referred to as “leaking” or “leaking” bowel syndrome. Not without reason does this name come from, as this disease unit is accompanied by frequent diarrhoea and bloating.

Society faces increasing pressure from work and home responsibilities every year. Therefore, an excessive stress reaction occurs, if it lasts a long time, it becomes a chronic stress reaction. Every negative reaction in our body promotes the development of diseases.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of intestinal activity that manifests itself in symptoms such as bloating, problems with bowel movement (constipation, no bowel movement) and diarrhoea.

This disease has been diagnosed in only 20% of the population aged 20 to 40 years in North America and Europe. But there are more presumed sick people, the more from other countries. It occurs more frequently in women than in men. It could also be genetic.

Causes of the disease

The factors that cause this disease have not yet been fully understood. However, experts have already carried out several studies and deduced that the disease is influenced by poor nutrition, chronic stress, intestinal disorders, bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, excessive antibiotic therapy, abdominal surgery.

As a result of the long-term influence of the above factors,

Diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of IBS

According to the Rome Criteria IV of 2016, irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed when symptoms occur for at least 3 months – abdominal pain associated with defecation disorders (change in stool frequency and change in stool consistency).

To diagnose IBS, blood and stool tests for food intolerances and infections are performed, such as blood count, serum CRP and TSH measurements, calprotectin or lactoferrin tests in stool and microbiological examinations in the stool.

The main symptoms of IBS are: abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation. In addition, symptoms such as abdominal cramps, abdomen, heartburn, gas, nausea and vomiting, more frequent urination, back and joint pain, chronic fatigue, gynaecological and psychological disorders (depressive states, mood swings, …) may be associated.

These symptoms are not typical of irritable bowel syndrome, as they may also indicate celiac disease, functional dyspepsia and non-specific bowel diseases. Therefore, additional tests are needed to confirm and rule out other diseases.

Due to the nature of the complaints, IBS is distinguished from the type: diarrhea, constipation, mixed and indeterminate.

Leakage syndrome is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. The IBS therapy consists of: symptomatic pharmacotherapy (laxatives, stool removal inhibitors, analgesics, …), antibiotic therapy, probiotics, psychological and psychiatric treatments and diet.

Irritable bowel syndrome – diet

The most commonly used diet for IBS is the LOW FODMAP diet, which excludes all products containing fermenting carbohydrates: oligosaccharides (fructans), disaccharides (lactose), monosaccharides (fructose) and polyols (sorbitol, xylite).

The most important step is to increase the amount of fiber in the diet in case of constipation and to reduce the amount in case of diarrhea. It’s supposed to seal the intestinal walls. Then you need to reduce or exclude all smoking products, all kinds of stimulants (strong coffee and tea) and carbonated drinks from your diet.

It is advisable to use the supplement with probiotic preparations containing mainly strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus as well as prebiotics (in case of constipation): silage, prebiotic yogurt, buttermilk, kefir.

Bloating occurs after eating. Therefore, it is advisable to eat more often, but in smaller portions. The recommended amount is 5-6 meals a day. The best way to eat IBS is an easy-to-digest diet.

It is recommended to test for gluten and lactose intolerance, as the consumption of these substances during IBS continues to strain the digestive system and especially the intestine.

Daily moderate physical activity is recommended, preferably in the form of 7-8000 steps per day, 1 hour swimming in the pool or 1 hour cycling.

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