The way to snack

The way we nibble it in each of us is a change of eating habits. Snacking between meals is one of the reasons for the development of excess calories.


  • Eating boredom
  • Habit of snacking during the screening
  • Excessive stress is associated with increased appetite (but not with physical hunger)
  • the need to keep the taste in your mouth
  • Eating with the eyes (the desire to eat something that looks attractive without being hungry)
  • Cultural refusal to eat during the guest

Above, I have listed the most common situations in which it comes to snacking. Of course, you don’t just think about something sweet when you eat. Each product/food that is eaten logically provides more energy.

Ways to snack

A very important element to prevent snacking is the regular consumption of meals and their balance. Both in terms of calories, colour and taste.

It is better to eat 5-6 meals a day at similar intervals, than 2-3 meals at a long interval. A great solution is also the taste combination in each dish. This prevents you from wanting to eat something that misses the taste of a meal you have eaten before.

It is also good to work on your emotional state or to “decouple” your appetite from your emotions (both good and bad). It is also best to try to get rid of the habit of consuming something in front of the TV and working at the computer.

Balanced meals and regular consumption ensure a longer feeling of satiety. The stomach will be reassured that it will be supplied with food at a certain time. A body that receives food at irregular times stores energy in the form of fat tissue.

I can’t help but mention the nighttime snack. At night, our bodies recover. Therefore, we should not let the organs work again when we digest the next meal.

Nighttime hunger can be triggered by processes that consume energy for basic bodily functions (breathing, heartbeat, etc.). We wake up in the morning with a so-called “empty tank.” That’s why it’s important to eat your first breakfast.

Reducing the snack reduces the risk of diabetes. Proper and rational nutrition is just as important as the composition of our diet.

The way to nibble – nutritionist online

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