
najczęstsze błędy podczas odchudzania

The most common mistakes in weight loss

The most common mistakes in weight loss – a guide in which you will find the answer why you still can not get rid of excess pounds. Are you already on a diet to lose weight and the yo-yo effect keeps coming back to you? Find out what might be the cause! First, do not experiment with popular weight loss diets. Each of them has its drawbacks, w
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układ odpornościowy a koronawirus

Coronavirus – Diet to boost immunity

Coronavirus – diet to strengthen immunity with the eye of nutritionist Poznań will help your body in the fight against the virus. Coronaviruses are a type of virus that belongs to the family Coronaviridae. The vectors of each species are mammals, including bats or birds. These viruses have a shell and a single strand of RNA. They have an eno
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pierwsze śniadanie

First breakfast

First breakfast – why is it so important? This is best explained by the car. Yeah, that’s the car. It is not wrong that after one night our body has an empty tank. If we don’t charge anything in it, there won’t be any impulse. Everyone wants to be full of energy, happy and healthy. The first breakfast – energy for the start Of the
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5 porcji owoców i warzyw

5 servings

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. I want to dedicate this article to young people in school and people who do not have access to knowledge about healthy eating. Today I will deal with the topic: What does the colour of fruit/vegetables mean, the benefits of eating fruit and vegetabl
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edukacja żywieniowa dzieci i dorosłych

Nutritional education

Nutrition education should start early in life. I am referring to kindergartens and primary schools. Why? The child learns from his parents how to eat without noticing it. That’s why it’s important to set a good example for your children. The child’s eating habits go out of the house, and he finds it very difficult to change them. Because he
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leki nootropowe


Nootropics (procognitive) are drugs, dietary supplements or other substances that enhance the cognitive functions of the human body, especially memory, creativity and motivation in healthy people. However, it is necessary to use them in appropriate doses, and it is best to consult a specialist or doctor. Their consumption is still a controversial
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zdrowe odżywianie

Healthy nutrition

Healthy eating is a way of eating according to certain rules and changing habits, both in terms of eating and behaviour. This will help you enjoy life longer and have a beautiful figure. A healthy diet is the prevention of diseases and healthy weight loss. Healthy eating is based on adhering to the right proportions of foods that are represente
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zmiana nawyków żywieniowych

Changing eating habits

Changing eating habits is the key to weight loss and maintaining our health, which is so valuable. In the 21st century, with a pandemic of overweight, obesity and many civilized diseases, it is important to ensure that our bodies function properly. The ideal support for disease prevention and weight loss is DIETA. The right ratio of nutrients a
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